Sunday, August 19, 2007


So its been about two and a half weeks since I arived down in flordia. Things are pretty good down here. My church is awsome. The people are awsome. I'm pretty sure the job is awsome, though I still haven't hit full stride yet. Things are overall pretty good. There are little lizards everywhere. There are probably at least 15 right out side my window right now. I think they are what I like most about Florida. They are always just chillin or dancin. Either way, very cool.
I am still getting settled in here. I haven't unpacked all of my stuff yet. I still have boxes sitting in my living room. I have been to the beach only once, and that was at dusk. I think I want to work on my tan a bit before blinding all them beach goers. I still haven't gotten the internets hooked up yet at my house. So I haven't really been on lately. Besides that, there isn't all that much new. It is difficult being away from eveyone I know and care about. But, there are a lot of good people down here and a new assistant pastor that I sorta knew from the Sem. So, I have been doing some things around town. Mostly, I am too tired or busy to be down from all the things lost. At least thats what I try to do. Overall though, things are exciting and good.