Sunday, April 05, 2009

DND at the Book Store

So I was sitting in Boarders Books for most of today. I had to write a paper for my western christian thought and life class which is less of a class on western christian anything and more of a class on The Enlightenment. This upset me because I am not a fan of studying The Enlightenment, not because I don't enjoy learning about what happened or reading the writings of the Philosophes. I don't like it because its difficut to make sense of especially when I need to write a book review on two long books about two scholar's ideas about the period. I would much rather write an essay on it myself than try to make sense of these other guys' arguments.

But anyway, I was sitting in boarders and there were these two people next to me who were talking about DND. They were both photographers and looked pretty normal. One was a farely attractive normal looking woman which made this even more bizzare. As they talked all I could do was laugh and I was getting nothing done. So i put on my ipod so I couldn't hear their conversation and could actually get my homework done. Yet this didn't help much.
I could concentrate for about 3-4 minutes. In between songs I caught parts of their conversation. This is how it went:

Song...."But I'm an Elf, and I can see in the dark so I could sneak up"...Song..."You don't know how many times I tried to poison her. I amazed she's still alive"...Song..."Wouldn't happen! I have a claymore! Have you seen a claymore?!?"...Song..."They weren't too happy because I took all the gold and got the most experience"...Song..."But I work for the King. I'm practically royalty"..Song...

I couldn't stop laughing. That was the most unproductive hour I had today.