Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The world is changing

This is a real interesting video on how technology is changing us and how we're changing the technology that is changing us. It follows, then, that we're changing us. Yet it seems like we're not quite sure how we're doing it, or what we're changing into.

I think this video is interesting to anyone. For me it is interesting to view as a theologian. How does technology change human knowledge? If we are reconstructing and participating in shaping "truth" and "knowledge", how does that effect our humanity? Are we becomming our own gods?

Friday, September 04, 2009

Everything is Spiritual

This is the first part of a pretty awesome lecture that Rob Bell gave in Grand Rapids. (the others are also on youtube) It talks a lot about our nature, spirituality, science and scripture. let me know what you think.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

DND at the Book Store

So I was sitting in Boarders Books for most of today. I had to write a paper for my western christian thought and life class which is less of a class on western christian anything and more of a class on The Enlightenment. This upset me because I am not a fan of studying The Enlightenment, not because I don't enjoy learning about what happened or reading the writings of the Philosophes. I don't like it because its difficut to make sense of especially when I need to write a book review on two long books about two scholar's ideas about the period. I would much rather write an essay on it myself than try to make sense of these other guys' arguments.

But anyway, I was sitting in boarders and there were these two people next to me who were talking about DND. They were both photographers and looked pretty normal. One was a farely attractive normal looking woman which made this even more bizzare. As they talked all I could do was laugh and I was getting nothing done. So i put on my ipod so I couldn't hear their conversation and could actually get my homework done. Yet this didn't help much.
I could concentrate for about 3-4 minutes. In between songs I caught parts of their conversation. This is how it went:

Song...."But I'm an Elf, and I can see in the dark so I could sneak up"...Song..."You don't know how many times I tried to poison her. I amazed she's still alive"...Song..."Wouldn't happen! I have a claymore! Have you seen a claymore?!?"...Song..."They weren't too happy because I took all the gold and got the most experience"...Song..."But I work for the King. I'm practically royalty"..Song...

I couldn't stop laughing. That was the most unproductive hour I had today.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Friends' Skit

I was down in Florida last week for CTK's 50th anniversary. They CTK Dance Team put on this Skit. It was pretty amazing to me as it reflected many of the things that I, or people I'm close to, have experienced.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This is amazing!

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Dog Dreams

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I haven't been here in a while

So it's been a while since I've blogged. I've moved from a once a month blogger to a once every month and a half blogger...a disturbing development. But now that the old computer is fixed and I'm done with finals. I can finally blog again.

It's been an interesting past couple months. I've interviewed with 6 different churches for possible jobs come summer. While I don't get full say in who calls me, I can give suggestions. So far my favorites are churches in Defiance, OH and in Davenport, IA. They are both positions that would really allow me to be myself and use my talents and skill fully. All of you who know me know that I wouldn't fit in just anywhere. I'd like to say that I'm like a wild lion that cannot be tamed, but in reality I'm like a wild ostrich that can be only partially trained and that is just plain goofy. So I guess we'll see where God places me. I just want to be somewhere where I can be the most useful and learn the most. Hopefully I'll find out in the end of April.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

PC stands for Puky Computers

My computer, that is 9 months old, died the other day. Since the first week I had it, VISTA worked horribly. With a 2.00GHz processor it often ran slower than my old laptop with a quarter of the processing power. Even the first day I used it most of my programs quit responding. A month ago Fire Fox and Itunes weren't able to connect to the Internet and now my computer won't boot up.
Right now I'm trying to find out if Gateway will repair it. Either way, I''ve probably lost all of my calander info I need in the coming weeks and will be without a computer for the next month!

When I think back to last year's purchases, my favorite was an Apple product and my least favorite was my PC. I am so upset. Whether I can fix my PC or not, I'm never buying another PC again.

Image that makes me cringe taken from here