Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

This is my Thanksgiving day sermon that I gave this morning. I just wanted to say that I love you all and am so thankful that you are my friends.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

"Bonedigger bonedigger, Dogs in the moonlight"

So, I've noticed the last few weeks that there is a new addition to the neighborhood, at least I think it is a new addition. I'm not really sure. Just as of late, I have heard a whole heck of a lot of dog-speak going on. This dog lives on the other side of the tall fence in my back yard. I haven't seen this mystery dog yet, but I am thinking about standing on a chair to take a look at my dog.

Yes, its true. I said it. I believe this animal on the other side of the fence belongs to me. Why, you might ask. Well, I think this dog is mine because he truly acts as if I were his. Let me tell you why I am getting this impression. 1) When I leave the house, the dog always starts to bark. (The dog lives behind my house! I exit from the front!) 2) When I come home and shut the door, the dog welcomes me back with barks of joy! 3) Doing random things in my house like shutting doors, playing music, talking on the phone all evoke a reaction from this animal(my dog).

So, I assume that he must be mine and I just have been neglecting to take him out of my neighbor's back yard. Furthermore, I have left him in the neighbors yard for such a great amount of time that I have forgotten when I bought him, or what he even looks like. Yet, I know that he is mine, because he reminds me of it every day!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Sermon anyone?

Well, this was the second sermon that I have preached here at Christ the King. We record the service every week and post the sermons on the internet. I tried to get a copy of the contemporary service, because it felt so much more natural to me. Unfortunately, our camera men are not nearly skilled enough to be able to follow me while I walk around the entire church. I swear, I would have moved less if I were on a long coffee table talking about Lions and Superman. Since this is the only copy that I have, you'll have to just watch me speak from the pulpit and, you know, look all pastor-like....I know, hard to believe.