Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I like humor. I think I am a pretty funny at times. But, I think God is funnier. Here is yet another poof He exists. Well, not really proof, but it must be Him or the aliens playing a joke on us.

I just think it is great that it seems every event or expedition that is aimed to showcase or record Global Warming has occurred at the same time as a blizzard or snowstorm. A handful of summits on global warming have been canceled this year because of extreme cold. An expedition to the north pole was just canceled because it was so cold that people were getting frostbite and their vehicles wouldn't start.

Now I believe that there is a current pattern of global warming right now. I am not towing the republican line or anything. Now I do think we are either experiencing the the warm end of a natural cyclical process. On top of that, I also think that the earth is still warming up from the Ice age, or "last Ice age" as scientists like to call it. So while I do think it is getting warmer, I just think it is funny that every time Al Gore opens his mouth it snows...a lot.


katohater said...

you know, honestly, i could care less about al gore or this planet, because i'm not going to be here in 100 years to see the damage caused by our cars farting into the ozone.

when new york city is completely under water thanks to the terrorist regime known as mother nature, that will be the moment something gets done in the name of safety for the people. no doubt it will involve a war of some kind. "war on melting ice" sounds about right.

that's right, preemptive action can only be taken when we're absolutely sure there are weapons pointed at us, not when there's a remote chance we could be damaging our fragile ecosystem.

luckily, here in the desert, everyday is like global warming, so i won't be able to feel any change.

katohater said...

i still love you, t-bone.

Ted Torreson said...

I am glad something is being done about it. I am Christian. I believe God created this earth and placed people on it as its caretakers. I think there should be strict regulations on industries to keep them from polluting. I think undeveloped lands should be kept that way as much a possible. I love animals and think their habitats should be protected. I think the world my childrans will grow up in should be protected.

The whole reason I made the post is because I saw humor in the fact that we have had record cold temperatures and record snowfalls in some places around the world, and it seems like this happens nearly everytime there is some event concerning global warming.

As I said before, I believe it is warming. I just question why. A lot of people are getting rich and famous off of global warming and there are probably as many scientists getting rich as there are industrialists. I just want some truthful, non-biased answers and some real freaking solutions. Let's have some regulation on how much energy a home can use, or how efficient a vehicle must be in order to be put on the market. I don't want to hear about starving people in africa foced to burn their fires indoors in order to reduce pollution. Dang it. This wasn't supposed to be a bitch post. It was supposed to be a funny one. Thanks, Kato. :)

Oh, and I love you too.

katohater said...

people usually only remember the "bitch" posts.

i'm glad you feel that way. it seems to be an uphill battle. i was just trying to make the point that the current governing bodies don't seem too interested in environmental threats, as witnessed by the events of hurricane katrina. but if global warming wore a turban and carried an ak-47, we might see some results. am i completely off-base or would you say that's a fair assessment?

priorities are currently locked on winning the "war on terror" and only that. there is little else we should concern ourselves with, apparently, even though it is perfectly reasonable to fight multiple wars on multiple fronts. i would think the "war on global warming" would be a great sell considering that it's another war on an idea. thus, it can be prolonged indefinitely.

Ted Torreson said...

lol agreed. It just seems that more than ever, nothing gets done in congress. If one party gets a good idea, the other needs to fight it tooth and nail so that they can try and pass it off as their own the next election cycle.

No one wants to be great at their jobs, because they might end up like churchill and be booted out when it seems the crisis is over. That is why the war will never be won. That is why the earth will always be getting warmer. lol jk. But in all reality, that is part of the reason nothing is ever fixed. The nation needs to be overhauled to actually get something done.

This is why I am glad the republicans lost the house and the senate. It was a wake up call. They aren't really listening to their constituents anymore, only enough to keep us comming back.

It seems encouraging that many republicans are looking for something different in their next leader. That is why I have Mike Huckabee on my myspace page. He was awsome on the daily show. John even seemed to like him. The guy just seems untainted by all the political pressures. He seems genuine and consistent in his ideology. And he can talk and explain his position. I hope he gets into the debates at least to help shape the discussion. But I don't have much hope.

David said...

We set a couple record high temps here in Phoenix this last week.