Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I'm a believer!

The first weekend I was in STL, a group of us were going to go in on a pizza. In the midst of deciding what we were going to get, someone spoke up and said, "Whatever you do, don't get Imo's! That shit's nasty!" Everyone else who had lived in STL more than a few days concurred. I have never once heard a good word spoke of Imo's pizza since that day.

Well the other day, my girlfriend's* parents invited me over to eat. Specifically it was Marcy's plan to get me to try the much resisted Imo's. Well it worked. I can't turn down a good girl, I can't turn down her parents, and I definitely can't turn down a free pizza.

I must say, Imo's is good, pretty darn good. It has a wonderful thin crust that I like. Most non-St. Louians don't like the "Tangy Provel Cheese." Yet, I kinda liked it. In fact, I couldn't stop eating. So if you happen to come to STL. Give Imo's a try. To use a Dave critiquing method,
IMO's: Eat It!

*If you are wondering who this mysterious girl is, she is amazing. I'll post about her soon.


Anonymous said...

awww, or you could go to the myspace page and check her out =) you two are so darndly cute together!!

Ted Torreson said...

Ya founds me out