Thursday, March 30, 2006

"Well I know it will be alright, if I just get on the road. If I run I can free my troubled mind."

Life has been tough the last couple weeks. The back has been bad, got 3 papers and 4 tests within 4 days, I announced two people were dead at church and they really wern't. So then yesterday, the pebbles came back again for round 2. I will spare you the details just in case Kato is eating a sandwich. Anyways, had the pebbles in the morning. I went to the Depot to get a paint filter, captured about 40 rock babys to bring into the doc, went to class, then went to get my blood tested. When I got back, I realized that I they kept my doctor's information.

I tryed calling the blood guys today and they lost the info and could only tell me he was on Watson street. So after class today, I decided to go looking for the doctors office. All I had was the name of the street and a handful of other streets that I might have taken there the first time I went. I left at 3:30 and chose to go down Manchester. I drove about 3 miles until I realized that the office wasn't on Manchester, but off of Hampton. Instead of asking directions, I decided that I could find it myself. I drove for another 15-20 minutes and explored the suburbs of south Stl. I finnaly found Watson and headed south. I drove for another 15 minutes till I saw a Kohls.

I stoped and bought a tie and a shirt for 7 bucks. I asked the clerk if she knew where a Home Depot was. I told her that I was looking for a doctor's office that was near a big building, possibly a Depot. She asked me what the building looked like and I told her I had no idea of the building's description, name, nor any information on the Doctor's. All I knew was that I had something to drop off at a Doctor who was inside a building on Watson, and that building was somewhere near a bigger building and a fastfood place. (Just for the record, Watson is longer than 28th street.)

So she gave me direction to a Depot. I drove another 6 miles south on Watson, came to the Depot and realized that non of those buildings contained my doctor. So I turned around and went the other way. I passed the street that I turned from and kept my eye open for a big building. I started looking for a walmart and a Burger King. After about 30 different big buildings, I came across a Target and a Mc Donalds. I thought I must be near. I drove another 10 blocks until I noticed that the street name had changed. So I doubled back and found the stupid L shaped intersection that screwed me up.

I was looking for one of those large mirrod-glass buildings. After coming to the end of the street, I realized that It must have been the big Brown brick building that I had passed 10 mins earlier. So I turned around and got there 5 mins to close. I gave them my rock babies and was about to leave, when I though maybe I should get their card so I could find my way back the next time.

Noe one would think that such a long drive would have been horrible, but it was the most fun that I have had in weeks. It felt like I had just got my driver's licence. I din't know what the heck was going on. It took me 2 hrs to make a 10 min trip. I got to listen to Van Morrison's days like this and Coldplay's a rush to the head. It was 74 degrees out and sunny. After all that, I didn't even care that I had rock babies the day before.


katohater said...

there're pebbles in that shit.

i've found that driving around for long periods of time is a lot of fun. sometimes i do it with no destination in mind. just turn up the stereo and drive.

i'd like to do it more, but gas is, like, really expensive now.

katohater said...

i've heard it both ways.

David said...

Kato was closer. The new 1 is as follows:
244 Theres pebbles under that Shit

katohater said...
