Friday, September 29, 2006


I went to go and make myself some tea yesterday and found that my travel mug was curiously heavy. I opened it up to find some of the above nasties floating all up ins. I have cleaned some pretty nasty stuff out of containers but this was bad. I dumped out the contents, at least the stuff that hadn't turned to sludge yet. I put it under the faucet and cranked the hot water.
BAD IDEA! I was able to keep the sludge from flying out, but the extremely hot water was enough to vaporize and shoot a hot steam bullet of bacteria funk right up my nostrils. I think my lungs collapsed for a good twenty seconds or so. And while I haven't died yet, I just thought I would give you the heads up just in case.


David said...

If you do die, do it quick like. Id like to go to the funeral. But I wont drive back from Arizona after only being there for a couple days.

Ted Torreson said...

I'll do my best!

katohater said...

it's a long drive. (for someone with nothing to think about)

Ted Torreson said...

I know. I looked on Google maps and it said it would take me "1 Day, 1 Hour." I was thouroughly dissapointed