Friday, July 06, 2007

Call me Natalie Imbruglia

For all those in town, I'll be back on Sunday night. I'll be home for about a week.

With that said....I'm torn. It feels like the jaws of life just opened my chest and I'm just waiting for someone to rescue my heart from this car wreck of a life I've got. Why can't anything be easy? Why is there always a struggle? When does the hurting stop? Someone once said that if something is not hard to attain that it isn't worth having. Maybe he was right, but I wish the things worth having, in my life, came at a slightly lower cost.

The above metaphor isn't perfect. I know where I want to be and I know where I feel I have to be. In a little over three weeks I'll be moving to Florida. I thought this would be a struggle when I first was assigned the position. Now....It seems impossible. I've wanted so much to be here, to being a vicar and getting a real taste of what it is like to be a pastor. Now I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can leave the girl I love.

This really hit me tonight as I realized how quickly we are running out of opportunities to see each other before Sunday. It made the reality of Florida much more real. Marcy is perfect, perfect for me in every way. She is the sunshine in my life and gives me the greatest of joy. She is even going to wait for me when I'm away on vicarage. This is great, real great. I've finally found her. I just don't know how I can live without her now.

I think this is going to be one of the most difficult years of my life. I fear I might be so sad that my vicarage would be pointless. I fear I might not even make it there, that I might drive half way to Florida and turn around. I fear I might not be cut out to be a pastor after all. I fear I might be good at it. I fear I might loose her. I struggle. I'm torn.

I trust in God's purpose and his timing in all of this. Everything will probably work out fine. I just struggle with my capabilities. I struggle with decisions I feel I have to make and decisions that I want to make. I just struggle with a loneliness that threatens to reclaim and a purpose that threatens to elude.


Unknown said...

so well put even though I'm sure it doesnt even come close to encompassing how these feelings are overwhelming you right now. I'm sorry you are in this place right now but if it is meant to be it will work out and I'm sure you will do everything in your power to make it work.

On a lighter note, we can't wait to see you before you go.

katohater said...

think of this as a test for you. if she really waits for you, then you can trust that she's the right one for you. it's all 4 u.

Jaime said...

Just remember: There's nothing you can't do with a pair of Good Ears and a great smile!