Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What is going on?

So the other day, I was driving home from work taking the same route I've been driving at least once a day for the last 7 months. I look to the right. I see the botanical gardens....then the park...then...WHAT!!!!! an apartment complex????????? I swear I've never seen this string of apartments in my life. Never! Yet, there it is.

I thought maybe it was new construction. Nope! The buildings are older and are occupied. Then I thought perhaps there was foliage in blocking the view from the road. Nope! Not that either! It is clear by the poor condition of the lawn and the weathered fence that this simply isn't the case. The only option is that it has always been there or I jumped to a parallel reality where the only difference is this apartment. Oh yeah....I saw a rooster hanging out in front of it today. Lent is getting long....