Tuesday, May 15, 2007


So you are probably wondering why there is a picture of me, making a crazy face, alls the while sporting a shinny nose. Well, remember that movie, unbreakable, where a handful of people found out that they have superpower? I figured mine out. I was in the gym today, you know, pumpin' Iron. I decided to do some incline bench press. I was finishing my last rep and put the bar up on the rack, or so I thought. The bar was resting on the corner if the guard and when I let go, 130 lbs came crashing down on my face. I managed to actually move my hand quick enough to get under it and help break the blow, but the bar hit me square in the nose.

It was a little sore and felt warm, but I felt it and there was little pain, no blood, and no broken bones. My nose is impervious to crushing and cleaving. Now I must decide if I should use this power for good, or evil. Oh yeah, in the picture, I am practicing my "don't mess with this nose" face, for when I become a superhero


David said...

Wow, good ears and an invincible nose. You sir, are blessed.

shedubeard said...

I think you should use your powers for awesome.

earlofsandwhich said...

I agree with Neil.

Jaime said...

Who are you "ear loaf sandwich"? Are you and ikyam ear buddies? Are you in a good ear club together? I'm so intrigued.

Ted Torreson said...

I will try to use my nose for the furtherment of the awsomeness of the things that are.

As for "Ear Loaf Sandwich," all I can tell you is that he is "Terribly Mysterious."

earlofsandwhich said...

st. mary's 7, I am just some dork from Ted's current life (on the upside because of that I was lucky to actually witness the discovery of his nasal superpower). Our interaction is like some classic TV show crossover special of two shows by the same director or something.

"ear loaf sandwich," that is excellent. Would not have thought that, was going more for frank montagu-esque imagery, oh well.

No ear club, sorry. And i'm not very mysterious, at least no where near as mysterious as the sphinx