Thursday, May 24, 2007


So I was over at Shedu's last night and we were looking at the crazy happanins on Crazy Mom's blog. For some reason, I brought up how I rarely look at Dan's blog. Sure, he doesn't post that much. Yet, that doesn't stop me from checking out Matt's blog. I came to the realization that I don't check it much because it is a dead end.

I daily travel down a number of blog paths. Sometimes I start with Crazy Mom, sometimes 64 Tacos. Regardless, there is always a path. With Dansy, I get there, read what is written, or what is not, and then I go to the right side of the screen. What no exit? Dead end! (when I told Neil about this, he said: "Dan is the end of the Internet.") I don't know why this bothers me. I could just hit the "back" button, but that would be like a u-turn. I'd be passing things I just looked at. I could just type in a new web address, but I don't like being on the webs if I have to actually type. I'd rather click my way through it all. So, if you ever wonder why I comment on your blog long after your post date, this is why.


katohater said...

hey, it's the return of ted-a-mania!

Ted Torreson said...

whatcha gonna do, brother?