Thursday, May 10, 2007

Its like a time capsule and shit

I am amazed at how long people will leave crap up on the internets, and I mean all of them. It can't be free to keep something this long, can it? If it has been free, why hasn't it been deleted. I mean, don't they see that no body visits some of these old site? There are only two explinations. 1) has a cult following in India, or 2) Kato is paying for it, waiting for me to become a pastor before disseminating pictures of Tarty T-bone to my congregation. Either way, It is good to remember the good old days, when I was Black.


CherryChild said...

Oh-My goodness..... Well done sir, well done....

katohater said...

originally, i put it up and they did get rid of it after a year or something, but i remained sole proprietor of so i reuploaded everything and they haven't gotten rid of it. every once in a while, i go back and revisit the glorious past. the time when things were simpler.

also, it seems like tripod does not allow hotlinking, so if you want the image to display properly, you probably want to download it to your hard drive then upload it to blogger. it only displays the image if it's already in your browser cache. if you reload the page, you'll notice that the image is no longer there.

Ted Torreson said...

Yeah, I see that. I better fix it

Unknown said...

I had to go through the zooty booty to figure out who the blonde girl was in that pic. I thought maybe it was a non facial haired dave all glammed up to look extra pretty for the pictures.

cool post

katohater said...

that is dave!